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The course ANÁLISE FUNCIONAL NA PRÁTICA DO BALÉ was created to offer applied knowledge of biomechanics and kinesiology specifically to ballet teachers.

Developed by dancer and teacher Zélia Monteiro and by physiotherapist Elaine Ferrão, the course is meant as a complement to the formation of these teachers, who, even being very familiar with this language, often find themselves without resources to guide their students on how to execute the movements specific to this technique.


This gap in the teacher’s formation can get in the way of the technical progression of students. When establishing postures that overstrain the muscles, the teacher does not encourage the bodily availability that is necessary for the acquisition of technique, which can lead to lesions and create difficulties for the student when performing the highly complex movements required in ballet.

The partnership between Museu da Dança (MUD) and Centro de Estudos do Balé (CEB) has as its main goal to stimulate the constant improvement of dance professionals.

Thoracic Cavity


  • Theoretical lessons on the experiences lived in a ballet-dancing body, with an introduction to and analysis of images of anatomy and what the body looks like when dancing ballet.

  • Practical lessons, with exercises of sensibilisation to improve awareness of bones, joints and their alignments, as well as muscle groups and their functions, followed by ballet practice while applying the previously acquired knowledge.

  • Analysis of muscle function through the body of a model (who may be a student)

  • Bibliography related to the contents discussed in the course.


05 MODULES - 70 hours

  • Recorded classes; 

  • Intensive immersion from January 17th to 22nd, 2022;



*The intensive immersion in January 2022 will be with live classes, you can choose to participate in person (in the city of São Paulo) or online.
*Live classes will be recorded and available for 6 months on the Dance Laboratory platform.



Click on the photo to see the curriculum

Estudou dança clássica e foi assistente de Maria Melô (aluna de Cecchetti no Scalla de Milão). Trabalhou por oito anos com Klauss, de quem também foi assistente, participando de seu grupo de pesquisa e criação. Recebeu a Bolsa Vitae de Artes para pesquisa coreográfica realizada em Paris, onde residiu por quatro anos. Foi premiada pela APCA (Associação Paulista dos Críticos de Arte) em 1987, 1992, 1998, 2010, 2016 e 2023 e finalista no Prêmio Governador do Estado - categoria dança - em 2014. É professora no curso de Comunicação das Artes do Corpo da PUC/SP e dá aulas regulares de dança clássica na Sala Crisantempo.



1º lot

from 02/11/2021 to 23/11/2021


3º lot

from 16/12/2021 to 10/01/2022


Elaine Ferrão

Graduada em Fisioterapia pela Universidade Cidade de São Paulo (1991) e mestrado em Psicologia da Saúde pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (2005). Atuou na docência do ensino superior na escola de ciência da saúde da Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, UNICID e na UNIABC e ministra cursos para formação de professores de dança e cursos de extensão para fisioterapeutas. Atua também como fisioterapeuta na Guazzelli fisioterapia.

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